Saturday, 31 December 2011

Turn the holidays button on, to Tanjung Aru beach

Went to Tanjung Aru as part of my Christmas holiday activity on Wednesday with my besties. Lazy to type so much so let the pictures tell you the story. =)

Love the beach, feel so comfy when the wind blow onto your face =)

The end of the story =) Have a nice day~

Monday, 26 December 2011

Merry Christmas~

Sabah, the third branch of Masterskill i went to. I thought everything will be fine than cheras but i'm wrong. Sabahan act so rude and racist. Seldom of them respect the lecturers while lecture. It's that the way sabahan live? Everyone act the same way. I'm so cant adapt with this kind of life style. Lot of back stabbers too. Its look so scary. All sarawakian (me & all my friends from Kuching) prefer not to get along with them too often. Who know they will stab you at the back one day. Lecturer here also act in different way. If u dislike college why dont you work with other colleges? May be all of these problems are my problem. May be i cant adapt with the life style here yet. So, good luck to me for the rest of the day =)

Well, Merry Christmas to everyone, may you be blessed by the lords love and all your dreams come true =) Went to 1Borneo yesterday. Not so much pictures were taken because it just a hypermall. So,have a look with some of the christmas decoration pictures here ^^

Christmas is going to pass soon. Chinese New Year is coming soon.
Kuching, 26 more days left! I miss you~  =)

Tuesday, 20 December 2011


We can hear those christmas songs everywhere, seeing christmas tree decoration everywhere, santa claus design here and there. Christmas is around the corner and that mean holiday is coming soon. :D (do feel the need to clarify that i'm not celebrating Christmas =) )

Taken at 101 Cafe. Simple but nice =)

Christmas tree at The Spring. I like this christmas tree so much because it hang with load of photos. It's feel so sweet and warm. 

Watched Mission Impossible-Ghost Protocol last Saturday night with friends at last minute. Erm, i not good in description so don't know what to describe about this movie but it really nice to watch. No plan, no backup, no choice, just do it. Nothing is impossible =) 

Monday, 19 December 2011

Wave Cafe

Finally,STPM is over. Why it seem like i'm the one who sit for STPM. I only can say that STPM has make my life become bored because most of my friends study Form 6.

Having dinner at Wave Cafe with friends on Friday night. It located at 4 1/2 mile,opposite Unoco supermarket. The restaurant not very big but spacious. I like it's design, blue lighting give the place a calming environment and there are various type of seating available. We choose the white design table, it look gorgeous =)

If you are not the chatty type who can sit there and talk for hours before back, then here is the advisable place for you because games are provided - Uno cards, poker, tumbling tower,飞机棋

Cheezy fried pork chop. It taste like fish chop not pork but still taste nice.

Busy play games, eating, gossip so didn't took any photo that night. But i still can get some photo from my friend on her facebook's album :P

Siew Ling, Me, Wang Tze
Siew Ling going to Sabah with me too

Have a nice night with them. Appreciate them so much in my life.

Friday, 9 December 2011


虽然已开学两个星期 但我还处在假期中的心情 懒洋洋的 
温习的心情都没有 每天还在享受中 看戏逛街电影更是少不了
每逢节日来临 购物中心都少不了优惠活动 
而照片中的白色上衣就是这次逛街中的收获 有没有看起来那么一点的成熟呀?
其实这次逛街目的是为了寻找上班族穿着 好让我到沙巴有套正式的服装 
所以 这套衣服算是正式的服装吗? 给点意见吧 :]  本人还蛮喜欢的说 嘻嘻

反反复复的发烧 高温度的身体让我受不了
一时热一时冷 好辛苦哦 成功折磨我了
希望病菌赶快远离我 不然到了沙巴要找个医生都难啊

Friday, 2 December 2011


两个人在一起久了 自然的感情也稳定 互相了解 视对方为家庭的一分子
一个眼神 一个小动作 都知道对方在想什么
但往往 我们都因此忽略对方生活上的细节 忽略对方的感觉
这 真好发生在我和他身上
一向对你信心百倍的我也变得胆小起来 不再是以前的诗玲
开始担心 开始对你起疑 开始害怕你身边的女生
吵架是难免的 总比冷战来的好
其中也因为女生而吵 虽说你们只聊学业问题 但 认识你六年了 我会看不出你说谎吗?
我们都长大了 不再是小时候那单纯的小孩一看就懂
这世界的诱惑也变多 你不去招惹他 他也会来倒贴你
这也让我看懂一件事 那就是
如果你不去努力维护你的感情 不去用心对待你的另一半 再坚定的感情也会被摧毁

希望下一段恋情会更好 =)