Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Blackout in Sabah

The Capacitive Voltage Transformer at the Penampang Main Intake Substation which exploded and triggered a blackout throughout Sabah and Labuan since 3.23am Monday,30th of APRIL 2012. 

Im Malaysian from Sarawak but currently study at Sabah, so, im one of the victims who suffer this blackout. I been awake around 4.30am due to the hot temperature in my room. Sweating like the hell and breathless. Get mad when you are undergo rapid eye movement where most dreaming occurs. I might undergo stage 3-4 of deep sleep which is very difficult to wake me up due to slow heart rate and breathing, and loss of skeletal muscle tone. Argh~ damn it, hot weather success to wake me :(

Suppose to had my first test on Pharmacology 3 but its been postponed to next Mon because of blackout. It is a good news or bad news? Been prepared so much and ready for it but receive a message that the test is postpone at last minutes. Totally take me back from the sleepy mode. Hee~  

 Sitting at McD in the dark. Another new experience. Do u ever experience it? :D

Another view from McD.  Well,certain areas light up but not all.

Failed to cook due to the blackout so went to ONE BORNEO with my lovely to have our lunch. Took photo during the dark. =)
1st of MAY - Labour day.  BIG DAY for all employees. I'm celebrating labour day too because im employed as student =) Everyone is so excited with this holiday so do i since everywhere having BIG SALES. You can see all the promotion signs hanging there and here. Its a great news for a shopaholic like me :] BUT... the things happen opposite here. Damn it blackout happen again. I bet most of the shopping malls facing financial loss. Everyone desire to enjoy the BIG SALE especially the girls ^^ and every employers desire to gain more profits but everything turned upside down. No current, no customers, no earning and no foods as well >< 
Mirror always the best instrument for me to take photo after using touchscreen cell phone. 
New top from VOIR. Bought it last friday. Feel so lucky that i went to shopping earlier because MEMBER WEEK was started. As a member of VOIR, i can enjoy much more discount than others, that's my pleasure :D 
Shooting when my friends in fitting room.

Another shot XD
Went to ONE BORNEO last saturday because of sale in PADINI. Spent a lot there but mostly for my family. Only bought one simple white  top for myself. 

3 of us again. :D

Do you realize another new set of outfit? XD Yea,going to ONE BORNEO yesterday again. Very often u can hear im going to 1B because that is the nearest shopping mall from my hostel, around 5-10 minutes. Another blackout happened again. It damn hot and we got to flee away from the hostel. Fortunately, current come back when we reach 1B. Enjoy so much with the cool temperature =) It sure awful for a guy to spent so many days with his girl on shopping and that's the reason why we need GIRLFRIENDSSSS~ XD

Enjoy so much with shopping. Sad part is spent too much and my purse is bleeding. Should quit being shopaholic. Really a bad habit for me ><

Good night and sweet dream everyone.

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